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He Is Risen!!
He is Risen Indeed!!
This dialogue has been a part of my entire adult life, and I enjoy seeing who can be the first to send out a text or say it in person each year.
Praise the Lord, He is risen indeed. And Because He lives -- I can have confidence in my salvation, confidence that He will take care of me, confidence that everything that happens in my life has His stamp of approval.
Today, my 3 boys and 3 adult children and my favorite son-in-law (there's just one, haha) and I attended a Sunrise Service at 6:30am hosted by the Auburn Church of God (yes, it's cold every year) --- then a delicious full breakfast, and the normal morning service at 10:30am.
Then we had another delicious full meal with friends and family at 4pm. Then the boys and I helped my mom for a bit this evening.
What a wonderful day we all enjoyed --- Family, Friends, Music, Food, Fellowship and worshipping Jesus. I am so, so very blessed.